Zhilin Huang - Project Portfolio Page

PROJECT: History Flashcard


History Flashcard (HF) is an app for history students to create flashcards which summarize the most important information for historical events, figures and artifacts. HF is optimized for those who prefer to use a simple Command Line Interface (CLI), and includes features that help with memory retention and make information convenient to review.

Summary of Contributions

Contributions to the User Guide (Extracts)

An example of my contribution (study plans section) to the User Guide is extracted as follows:

3.7. Study Plans

Note that flashcards are identified by their indexes in study plans, so changing the indexes of flashcards could change the flashcards associated with the study plans.

3.7.1. Creating a New Study Plan: plan

Creates a new study plan by specifying date and indexes of existing flashcards.

Format: plan

The application will then prompt the user to enter the following fields:

Example of usage:

1 3

3.7.2. Displaying All Study Plans: show-plan

Lists all study plans.

Format: show-plan

3.7.3. Deleting a Study Plan: delete-plan

Deletes a specified study plan. The user will be prompted to enter the date of the study plan they wish to delete.

Format: delete-plan

The application will then prompt the user to enter the following fields:

Example of usage:


Another example of my contribution (FAQ) to the User Guide is extracted as follows:

4. FAQ

Q: How are the flashcards, flashcard groups, and study plans saved?

A: The application automatically saves these information in JSON format for you as you make changes to them. There is not a specific command to save these information to storage.

Q: Where are the flashcards, flashcard groups, and study plans saved?

A: They are saved under the historyflashcards/ folder.

Q: Can I edit the storage files under the historyflashcards/ folder?

A: Please avoid editing the files as changing the file format might cause the application to fail on reloads and certain commands when you restart.

Contributions to the Developer Guide (Extracts)

An example of my contribution (Study Plan Feature - Proposed Implementation) to the Developer Guide is extracted as follows:

Study Plan Feature - Proposed Implementation

The Study Plan feature is facilitated by StudyPlanList.

Internally, it implements a TreeMap, with date as key and the list of flashcard indexes to study as value. Key-value pairs in the TreeMap are sorted by dates.

It implements the following operations:

Given below is an example usage scenario and how the study plan mechanism behaves at each step.

Step 1. The user launches the application and an empty StudyPlanList is initialized.

Step 2. The user executes plan command and the updateStudyPlan operation is invoked. The application prompts the user for date and the corresponding list of flashcards indexes.

The following sequence diagram shows how the updateStudyPlan operation works:


Step 3. The user executes delete-plan command and the deleteStudyPlan operation is invoked. The application prompts the user for the date for which the study plan is to be deleted.

The following sequence diagram shows how the deleteStudyPlan operation works:


Step 4. The user executes show-plan command and the getStudyPlanList operation is invoked. The application displays the user’s study plan list.

The following sequence diagram shows how the getStudyPlanList operation works:


Another example of my contribution (Appendix E: Instructions for Manual Testing) to the Developer Guide is extracted as follows:

Appendix E: Instructions for Manual Testing

Given below are instructions to test the app manually. Note that these instructions only provide a starting point for testers to work on; testers are expected to do more exploratory testing.

E.1. Launch and Shutdown

  1. Launch
    • Download the jar file and copy into an empty folder.
    • Double-click the file to start the application or run the command java -jar [path-to-history-flashcard-jar-file] from terminal.
  2. Shutdown
    • Type in the bye to the application.

E.2. Getting help

  1. Getting help.
    • Test case: help

      Expected: Application displays a list of commands available.

E.3. Flashcard Creation

  1. Adding an Event Flashcard.
    • Test case: event

      Expected: Being prompted to enter multiple fields of the flashcard.

      Enter some values for the fields.

      Expected: Receive a confirmation message from the application for successful flashcard creation.

  2. Adding a Person Flashcard.
    • Test case: person

      Expected: Being prompted to enter multiple fields of the flashcard.

      Enter some values for the fields.

      Expected: Receive a confirmation message from the application for successful flashcard creation.

  3. Adding an Other Flashcard which name does not duplicate the names of existing flashcards.
    • Prerequisites: List all flashcards using the list command and choose a new name for the new flashcard.

    • Test case: other

      Expected: Being prompted to enter multiple fields of the flashcard.

      Enter some values for the fields.

      Expected: Receive a confirmation message from the application for successful flashcard creation.

    • Test case: other blabla

      Expected: Same as above because blabla should be ignored.

  4. Adding an Other Flashcard which name duplicates one of the names of existing flashcards.
    • Prerequisites: List all flashcards using the list command and choose a duplicate name for the new flashcard.

    • Test case: other

      Expected: Being prompted to enter multiple fields of the flashcard.

      Enter some values for the fields.

      Expected: Receive a confirmation message from the application for successful flashcard creation and a message saying that the created flashcard is not added due to the duplicate name.

E.4. Flashcard Basic Operations

  1. Listing all flashcards.
    • Test case: list when there are flashcards in the application.

      Expected: Application lists all flashcards in the application.

    • Test case: list when there are no flashcard in the application.

      Expected: Receive a message indicating that the user has no flashcard at the moment.

  2. Showing timeline.
    • Test case: timeline

      Expected: Application lists all flashcards in order sorted by start/birth date.

    • Test case: timeline 1900 2000

      Expected: Application lists all flashcards from the 1900 to 2000 period in order sorted by start/birth date.

  3. Deleting a flashcard.
    • Prerequisites: List all flashcards using the list command and choose the index of a flashcard to delete

    • Test case: delete 1

      Expected: Receive a confirmation message from the application for successful flashcard deletion.

    • Test case: delete

      Expected: Receive a message from the application stating that the user should use correct input format.

    • Test case: delete -1

      Expected: Receive a message from the application stating that the user input contains invalid flashcard index(es).

  4. Showing a flashcard.
    • Test case: show 1

      Expected: Application shows all fields from the flashcard at index 1.

  5. Finding flashcards with names containing a specific keyword.
    • Test case: find war

      Expected: Application displays all flashcards with names containing war.

E.5. Flashcard Status Operations

  1. Assigning priority to a flashcard.
    • Prerequisite: There are at least 2 flashcards in the application.

    • Test case: priority 2 MEDIUM

      Expected: Receive a message from the application stating that priority for flashcard at index 2 is updated to MEDIUM.

  2. Listing flashcards of a specified priority.
    • Test case: list-priority MEDIUM

      Expected: Application lists all flashcards which match the MEDIUM priority level.

  3. Marking flashcard as reviewed.
    • Prerequisite: There is at least 1 flashcard in the application.

    • Test case: reviewed 1

      Expected: Receive a message from the application stating that review status for flashcard at index 1 is updated to reviewed.

  4. Listing reviewed flashcards.
    • Test case: list-reviewed

      Expected: Application lists all reviewed flashcards.

  5. Resetting review status of all flashcards.
    • Test case: reset-reviewed

      Expected: Application resets status of all flashcards to un-reviewed.

E.6. Flashcard Grouping

  1. Making a flashcard group.
    • Prerequisite: There is at least 1 flashcard in the application.

    • Test case: group

      Expected: Being prompted to enter multiple fields of the flashcard group.

      Enter some values for the fields.

      Expected: Receive a confirmation message from the application for successful flashcard group creation.

  2. Adding a flashcard to a flashcard group.
    • Prerequisite: There is at least 1 flashcard in the application.

    • Test case: add

      Expected: Being prompted to enter multiple fields for adding a flashcard to a flashcard group.

      Enter some valid values for the fields.

      Expected: Receive a confirmation message from the application for successful addition of flashcard to the flashcard group.

  3. Displaying flashcard groups.
    • Test case: show-groups

      Expected: Application lists all existing flashcard groups.

  4. Listing flashcards in a group.
    • Prerequisite: There is at least 1 flashcard group in the application.

    • Test case: list-group 1

      Expected: Application lists all flashcards in the flashcard group at index 1.

  5. Deleting flashcard group from the group list.
    • Prerequisite: There is at least 1 flashcard group in the application.

    • Test case: delete-group 1

      Expected: Receive a confirmation message from the application for successful deletion of the flashcard group at index 1.

E.7. Study Plans

  1. Creating a new study plan.
    • Prerequisite: There is at least 1 flashcard in the application.

    • Test case: plan

      Expected: Being prompted to enter multiple fields for adding a flashcard to a flashcard group.

      Enter some valid values for the fields.

      Expected: Receive a confirmation message from the application for successful update of study plan.

  2. Displaying all study plans.
    • Test case: show-plan

      Expected: Application lists all study plans.

  3. Deleting an existing study plan.
    • Test case: delete-plan

      Expected: Being prompted to enter the date for which the study plan is to be deleted.

      Enter a valid date.

      Expected: Receive a confirmation message from the application for successful deletion of study plan.

E.8. Randomized Review

  1. Displaying all flashcards in random order.

    • Test case: random

      Expected: Application shuffles and displays all the flashcards in a random order and prompts the user to give responses during the review.

      Enter responses.

      Expected: Reviewed finished.

E.9. Saving and Loading

  1. Saving
    • Test case: Add flashcards into the application and exit.

      Expected: Storage files generated under the historyflashcards directory.

  2. Loading

    • Test case: Starts the application again.

      Expected: Saved contents under the historyflashcards directory are loaded into the application.