History Flashcard - User Guide

  1. Introduction
  2. Quick Start
  3. Features
  4. FAQ
  5. Command Summary

1. Introduction

History Flashcard (HF) is for those who are studying history subjects to create flashcards which summarize the most important information for historical events, figures and artifacts. HF is optimized for those who prefer to use a simple Command Line Interface (CLI). It includes features that help with memory retention and make information convenient to review, e.g. the ability to organize historical events into timelines and store bite-size details about history figures.

2. Quick Start

  1. Ensure that you have Java 11 or above installed.
  2. Download the latest version of HistoryFlashcard from here.
  3. Move the JAR file to the folder you want to use as the home folder for HistoryFlashcard .
  4. Double-click the file to start the application or run the command java -jar [path-to-history-flashcard-jar-file] from terminal
  5. Type in commands and start using HistoryFlashcard!

3. Features

3.1. Command Format

Words in UPPER_CASE are parameters to be supplied by the user.

Items in square brackets are optional e.g TITLE [DETAILS] can be used as Title Some Detail or just Title.

3.2. Basic

3.2.1. Getting Help: help

Displays a list of commands available.

Format: help

3.2.2. Exiting the program: bye

Exits History Flashcard.

Format: bye

3.3. Flashcard Creation

3.3.1. Adding an Event Flashcard: event

Adds an Event Flashcard.

Format: event

The application will then prompt the user to enter the following fields:

START_TIME may not be later than END_TIME.

There can be 0 or multiple DETAILs added for an Event Flashcard. To stop entering details, just enter an empty line by hitting ENTER/RETURN.

Example of usage:

Meiji Restoration
Turning point in Japanese history
End of Shogunate
Centralization of power
Functional end of Samurai Class

3.3.2. Adding a Person Flashcard: person

Adds a Person Flashcard.

Format: person

The application will then prompt the user to enter the following fields:

BIRTH_DAY may not be later than DEATH_DAY.

There can be 0 or multiple DETAILs added for a Person Flashcard. To stop entering details, just enter an empty line by hitting ENTER/RETURN.

Example of usage:

Albus Dumbledore
Late August, 1881
08 1881
Albus Dumbledore was never proud or vain.
He could find something to value in anyone, however apparently insignificant or wretched
Dumbledore became most famous for his defeat of Gellert Grindelwald, the discovery of the twelve uses of dragon's blood, and his work on alchemy with Nicolas Flamel

3.3.3. Adding an Other Flashcard: other

Adds an Other Flashcard.

Format: other

The application will then prompt the user to enter the following fields:

There can be 0 or multiple DETAILs added for an Other Flashcard. To stop entering details, just enter an empty line by hitting ENTER/RETURN.

Example of usage:

Resurrection Stone
The Resurrection Stone is one of the fabled Deathly Hallows.
In "The Tale of the Three Brothers", it was the second Hallow created, supposedly by Death himself
It was bestowed upon Cadmus Peverell after he requested, as his bounty, something with the power to recall loved ones from Death
According to legend, whoever reunited it with the other two Hallows (the Elder Wand and the Cloak of Invisibility) would become the Master of Death

3.4. Flashcard Basic Operations

3.4.1. Listing All Flashcards: list

Lists all flashcards in the application.

Format: list

3.4.2. Showing Timeline: timeline

List all flashcards in order sorted by start/birth date. Specifying STARTDATE and ENDDATE will restrict the timeline to this period, inclusive of both dates. STARTDATE may not be later than ENDDATE.

Format: timeline [STARTDATE] [ENDDATE]

3.4.3. Deleting a Flashcard: delete

Deletes the flashcard at the specified index in the list.

Format: delete INDEX

Example of usage:

delete 3

3.4.4. Showing a Flashcard: show

Shows all fields from the flashcard at the specified index in the list.

Format: show INDEX

Example of usage:

show 3

3.4.5. Finding Flashcards with Names Containing a specific keyword: find

Displays all flashcards with names containing the KEYWORD.

Format: find KEYWORD

Example of usage:

find war

3.5. Flashcard Status Operations

3.5.1. Assigning Priority to a Flashcard: priority

Assign Priority Level LOW, MEDIUM, HIGH to the flashcard at the specified index.


Example of usage:

priority 2 MEDIUM

3.5.2. Listing Flashcards of a Specified Priority: list-priority

Lists all flashcards which match the specified priority level.

Format: list-priority PRIORITY_LEVEL

3.5.3. Marking Flashcard as Reviewed: reviewed

Marks a flashcard at the specified index as reviewed.

Format: reviewed INDEX

Example of usage:

reviewed 1

3.5.4. Listing Reviewed Flashcards: list-reviewed

Lists all reviewed flashcards.

Format: list-reviewed

3.5.5. Resetting Review status of Flashcards: reset-reviewed

Resets status of all flashcards to un-reviewed.

Format: reset-reviewed

3.6. Flashcard Grouping

3.6.1. Grouping Flashcards: group

Creates a new group of flashcards.

Format: group

The application will then prompt the user to enter the following fields:

Example of usage:

Harry Potter Flashcards
This is a group for HP related stuff.
2 3

3.6.2. Adding Flashcard to Group: add

Adds a flashcard to a group.

Format: add

The application will then prompt the user to enter the following fields:

Example of usage:

Harry Potter Flashcards

3.6.3. Displaying Groups: show-groups

Lists all existing groups.

Format: show-groups

3.6.4. Listing Flashcards in a Group: list-group

Lists all flashcards in a group specified by GROUP_ID.

-GROUP_ID can be the index of the group in the list generated by show-groups, or simply the name of the group.

Format: list-group GROUP_ID

3.6.5. Deleting flashcard group from the group list: delete-group

Deletes an existing group specified by GROUP_ID from the group list.

-GROUP_ID can be the index of the group in the list generated by show-groups, or simply the name of the group.

Format: delete-group GROUP_ID

3.7. Study Plans

Note that flashcards are identified by their indexes in study plans, so changing the indexes of flashcards could change the flashcards associated with the study plans.

3.7.1. Creating a New Study Plan: plan

Creates a new study plan by specifying date and indexes of existing flashcards.

Format: plan

The application will then prompt the user to enter the following fields:

Example of usage:

1 3

3.7.2. Displaying All Study Plans: show-plan

Lists all study plans.

Format: show-plan

3.7.3. Deleting a Study Plan: delete-plan

Deletes a specified study plan. The user will be prompted to enter the date of the study plan they wish to delete.

Format: delete-plan

The application will then prompt the user to enter the following fields:

Example of usage:


3.8. Randomized Review

3.8.1. Displaying All Flashcards in Random Order: random

Shuffles and displays all the flashcards in a random order.

Format: random

The application will then prompt the user to give responses during the review:


3.9. Saving and Loading

The application will automatically load and save flashcards, groups, and study plans.*
The files will be saved in the historyflashcards directory with subdirectories for flashcards, groups, and studyplans.

Files are saved as formatted .json files so they will be readable even without using the application.

*flashcardlist is also saved but only lists the names of flashcards.

4. FAQ

Q: How are the flashcards, flashcard groups, and study plans saved?

A: The application automatically saves these information in JSON format for you as you make changes to them. There is not a specific command to save these information to storage.

Q: Where are the flashcards, flashcard groups, and study plans saved?

A: They are saved under the historyflashcards/ folder.

Q: Can I edit the storage files under the historyflashcards/ folder?

A: Please avoid editing the files as changing the file format might cause the application to fail on reloads and certain commands when you restart.

5. Command Summary